Contracts Pre-Award.
Qualifications & Tendering Process
If you have the grounds to believe that a government contract should have been awarded to you and have reasons to believe the bid process was not fair, filing a bid protest might be an option.
A bid protest is usually filed when a contractor believes their interests were put at risk or ignored due to faulty procurement procedures.
A pre-award protest is filed before an agency chooses a required contractor, and you believe that another bid was made to improper specifications, or omitted a required provision.
In order for a bid protest to be considered a pre-award protest, it must be submitted before bid or offers are due.
Things to pay attention to:
Time restrictions for filing a protest;
Understanding and evaluating potential protest grounds;
Choosing the appropriate forum for filing a protest;
Preparation of a protest submission and ensuring that it complies with the regulatory requirements
At any point during the process, the agency may take corrective action.
The agency's corrective action is a recognition that they failed to comply with some aspect of the procurement process and that they are fixing the error. The agency has broad discretion in the form of remedial action, which frequently involves reevaluation of bids or solicitation revisions.
Our procurement and contracts law services include:
Bid mistakes
Bid protests before and after award
Certification and representation requirements
Contracting procedures and requirements
Sealed bid and supply schedule procurement
Our experienced international team works with contractors large and small across a wide variety of industries, including: construction, maintenance, engineering, health care, energy, IT.